When you were little, you dreamt of becoming a great person someday in your chosen field. As you grew older, you imagined your mansions and cars, properties and assets, later on; you get married, have children, continue the rat race of life and then, die when you die.

I began to see more from the Word of God and I realised that I’ve got that very important part to play

in the body of Christ. As soon as you got saved, your life was no longer just yours, to live any how you want to, it became an important part of the Church. Thus, we should always seek to achieve the best of God that He wants to see in us.

We can do this by seeking His face daily, and walking in obedience to His Word and instructions. You must so build up yourself in God that you get to that point where you can say like Paul that we are crucified with Christ and that the life we live is by faith in Christ Jesus (Gal 2:20).

Don’t worry too much, it’s not only the Preachers and Missionaries that are serving God, God also needs people in those businesses, high class industries, politics, media, etc., to run things for the kingdom. And by the way, He’ll work in you to love whatever He wants you to do for Him (even if it’s to become an Evangelist). Just submit to Him.

And wherever you find yourself, strive to be the best and impact the lives of those around you, no matter how little.

A Little Boasting for Today:

I am dead in sin but alive unto God through Jesus Christ my Lord. I live to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; His way of doing things and being right, and I know that by doing so, all other things in life would be added unto me. I am not worried about yesterday, nor today, nor tomorrow, for God’s thoughts towards me are thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give me a good future, for He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I ask or think. Glory!

Ref: Rom 6:11, Mat 6:33, Jer 29:11, Eph 3:20

The Messenger


I'm just totally crazy about God... I dnt have a

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